Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'A Cappella'

Author: Jeff Dunlop

Year: 2012

Flower color: Ruffled red-violet with blue overlay and flashy red rimmed aqua styles. Standards are lighgtly ruffled rose red-violet. The wide ruffled falls have small white signals and a fine white wire edge.

Height: 100 cm

Flowering: middle (first half of June)


Iris 'A Capella' (2)


Author: Jeff Dunlop

Year: 2012

Flower color: Ruffled red-violet with blue overlay and flashy red rimmed aqua styles. Standards are lighgtly ruffled rose red-violet. The wide ruffled falls have small white signals and a fine white wire edge.

Height: 100 cm

Flowering: middle (first half of June)


Iris 'A Capella' (2)