Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'God Save the Queen'


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Author:  Morss
Year:  2005
Flower color:  Medium amethyst with midnight purple eye and purple outlined yellow gold edge above yellow to green throat.
Flower size:  18 cm
Height:  75 cm
Ploidy:  Tetraploid
Foliage type:  Evergreen

((Moon Feather × Martina Verhaert) × Scott Bennett)


Daylily 'God Save the Queen' (3)


Author:  Morss
Year:  2005
Flower color:  Medium amethyst with midnight purple eye and purple outlined yellow gold edge above yellow to green throat.
Flower size:  18 cm
Height:  75 cm
Ploidy:  Tetraploid
Foliage type:  Evergreen

((Moon Feather × Martina Verhaert) × Scott Bennett)


Daylily 'God Save the Queen' (3)