Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

‘Green Eyed Envy’


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Author:  Harry-P.
Year:  2012
Flower color:  Light cream yellow, green throat with pattern.
Flower size:  17 cm
Height:  95 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Semi-Evergreen

(Green Eyed Illusion × sdlg)

Daylily Green Eyed Envy (2)

Author:  Harry-P.
Year:  2012
Flower color:  Light cream yellow, green throat with pattern.
Flower size:  17 cm
Height:  95 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Semi-Evergreen

(Green Eyed Illusion × sdlg)

Daylily Green Eyed Envy (2)