Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'Green Sunburst'


Author: Herrington-T.
Year:  2006
Flower color:  Flaming orange with red eye above huge green throat.
Flower size:  12 cm
Height:  55 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Dormant

(Two Thumbs Up × Calypso Green)

Daylily Green Sunburs


Author: Herrington-T.
Year:  2006
Flower color:  Flaming orange with red eye above huge green throat.
Flower size:  12 cm
Height:  55 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Dormant

(Two Thumbs Up × Calypso Green)

Daylily Green Sunburs