Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'Picking up a Dream'


Author:  Niswonger
Year:  2005
Flower color:  Bright red self above orange to green throat.
Flower size:  15 cm
Height:  85 cm
Ploidy:  Tetraploid
Foliage type:  Dormant

(((sdlg × sdlg) × Passion For Red) × (Search For Scarlet × Fire Keeper))

Author:  Niswonger
Year:  2005
Flower color:  Bright red self above orange to green throat.
Flower size:  15 cm
Height:  85 cm
Ploidy:  Tetraploid
Foliage type:  Dormant

(((sdlg × sdlg) × Passion For Red) × (Search For Scarlet × Fire Keeper))