Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

‘Sarah Tiffney’

Author:  Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks
Year:  1999
Flower color:  Standards whitish pale lavender with very light lavender rose speckling; style arms buff yellow, tips deepest; Falls lavender rose wash and speckling over yellow base, gold to pale yellow signal.
Height: 90 cm

Flowering:  early

Iris 'Sarah Tiffney' (3)


Author:  Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks
Year:  1999
Flower color:  Standards whitish pale lavender with very light lavender rose speckling; style arms buff yellow, tips deepest; Falls lavender rose wash and speckling over yellow base, gold to pale yellow signal.
Height: 90 cm

Flowering:  early

Iris 'Sarah Tiffney' (3)