Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'Our Friend Alice Tanner'


Author:  Hensley-D.
Year:  2013
Flower color:  Cream peach with lavender eye above yellow to green throat.
Flower size:  15 cm
Height:  70 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Dormant
Notes: Double 99%

(Honey Crunch Cupcake × Scatterbrain)


Daylily 'Our Friend Alice Tanner' (2)

Author:  Hensley-D.
Year:  2013
Flower color:  Cream peach with lavender eye above yellow to green throat.
Flower size:  15 cm
Height:  70 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Dormant
Notes: Double 99%

(Honey Crunch Cupcake × Scatterbrain)


Daylily 'Our Friend Alice Tanner' (2)