Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery




Author: Gossard
Year: reg. 2012, intro 2013
Flower color: Rust red with darker rust red eyezone and yellow throat, petals and sepals are covered with claws, fangs, teeth and tentacles.
Flower size: 19 cm
Height: 70 cm
Ploidy: Tetraploid
Foliage type: Dormant

(Heavenly Velocirapter × Outer Limits)

Daylily 'Beastman' (2)



Author: Gossard
Year: reg. 2012, intro 2013
Flower color: Rust red with darker rust red eyezone and yellow throat, petals and sepals are covered with claws, fangs, teeth and tentacles.
Flower size: 19 cm
Height: 70 cm
Ploidy: Tetraploid
Foliage type: Dormant

(Heavenly Velocirapter × Outer Limits)

Daylily 'Beastman' (2)