Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

‘Blue Perfection’



Author:  Gossard
Year:  2015
Flower color:  Cream white with a multicolored eyezone of blue, purple and maroon, very green throat.
Flower size:  14 cm
Height:  75 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Dormant

(Shasta Blue Butterfly × (Super Fancy Face × Texas Kaleidoscope))

Daylily Blue Perfection (3)



Author:  Gossard
Year:  2015
Flower color:  Cream white with a multicolored eyezone of blue, purple and maroon, very green throat.
Flower size:  14 cm
Height:  75 cm
Ploidy:  Diploid
Foliage type:  Dormant

(Shasta Blue Butterfly × (Super Fancy Face × Texas Kaleidoscope))

Daylily Blue Perfection (3)