Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

‘Carolina Pale Face’



Author:  Tanner-G
Year:  2013
Flower color:  Coral pink with light pink watermark and yellow ruffled edge.
Flower size:  15 cm
Height:  65 cm
Ploidy:  Tetraploid
Foliage type:  Semi-Evergreen

(Shores of Time × Roses in Gold)

Daylily Carolina Pale Face (2)



Author:  Tanner-G
Year:  2013
Flower color:  Coral pink with light pink watermark and yellow ruffled edge.
Flower size:  15 cm
Height:  65 cm
Ploidy:  Tetraploid
Foliage type:  Semi-Evergreen

(Shores of Time × Roses in Gold)

Daylily Carolina Pale Face (2)