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Daylily F
'Firefly Nights'
18.00 €
Author: Peat
Year: 2003
Flower color: Cream white with black purple eye and picotee wire gold edge above emerald green throat.
Flower size: 13 cm
Height: 50 cm
Ploidy: Tetraploid
Foliage type: Dormant
((Daring Dilemma × (Tet. Siloam Virginia Henson × Sylvan Delight)) × Mardi Gras Ball)
Author: Peat
Year: 2003
Flower color: Cream white with black purple eye and picotee wire gold edge above emerald green throat.
Flower size: 13 cm
Height: 50 cm
Ploidy: Tetraploid
Foliage type: Dormant
((Daring Dilemma × (Tet. Siloam Virginia Henson × Sylvan Delight)) × Mardi Gras Ball)