Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

Iris tectorum ‘Woolong’


Author:  James Waddick

Year:  2001
Flower color: Blue violet, falls with darker spots and flecks, white signal and crest; style arms paler blue violet.
Height: 50-55 cm

Flowering: begining of June.
Notes: Collected in wild, Woolong Valley, Sichuan, China.

Iris tectorum 'Woolong'



Author:  James Waddick

Year:  2001
Flower color: Blue violet, falls with darker spots and flecks, white signal and crest; style arms paler blue violet.
Height: 50-55 cm

Flowering: begining of June.
Notes: Collected in wild, Woolong Valley, Sichuan, China.

Iris tectorum 'Woolong'