Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

‘At the Crossroads’

Author:  Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks
Year:  2009
Flower color:  Standards smoky white veined soft violet, smoky yellow edge; style arms smoky white to yellow, hints of blue green at midrib; Falls pale smoky-purple washed, dappled and veined darker, purple strongest at signal which is gold heavily veined dark purple.
Height: 80 cm

Flowering: middle (from begining of June)

iris 'At the Crossroads' (2)


Author:  Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks
Year:  2009
Flower color:  Standards smoky white veined soft violet, smoky yellow edge; style arms smoky white to yellow, hints of blue green at midrib; Falls pale smoky-purple washed, dappled and veined darker, purple strongest at signal which is gold heavily veined dark purple.
Height: 80 cm

Flowering: middle (from begining of June)

iris 'At the Crossroads' (2)