Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

‘Circling the Moon’

Author:  Marty Schafer & Jan Sacks
Year:  2022
Flower color:  Standards dark red-purple; style arms light pearly blue deeper tips and midribs, red-violet wash on flanks; falls violet blending to red-violet near edge, blue-violet wash below signal, showy white signal, veined blue to red-violet.
Height: 80 cm

Flowering: middle – late

Iris Circling the Moon (2)


Author:  Marty Schafer & Jan Sacks
Year:  2022
Flower color:  Standards dark red-purple; style arms light pearly blue deeper tips and midribs, red-violet wash on flanks; falls violet blending to red-violet near edge, blue-violet wash below signal, showy white signal, veined blue to red-violet.
Height: 80 cm

Flowering: middle – late

Iris Circling the Moon (2)