Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'Humors of Whiskey'

Author: Marty Schafer & Jan Sacks
Year: 2007
Flower color: Pale violet standards sit above falls that open a pinky gold brown which lightens over time to a golden buff with pink undertones and gold rims. Hafts are reddish gold. Styles are light yellow with golden tips.
Height: 70 cm

Flowering: middle (first half of June)

Iris sibirica 'Humors of Whiskey' (3)Iris sibirica 'Humors of Whiskey' (4)










Author: Marty Schafer & Jan Sacks
Year: 2007
Flower color: Pale violet standards sit above falls that open a pinky gold brown which lightens over time to a golden buff with pink undertones and gold rims. Hafts are reddish gold. Styles are light yellow with golden tips.
Height: 70 cm

Flowering: middle (first half of June)

Iris sibirica 'Humors of Whiskey' (3)Iris sibirica 'Humors of Whiskey' (4)