Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'My Girl Emily'


Author: Dean Cole

Year: 2012

Flower color: Standards very light pink-lavender, thin red edge; style arms light lavender and pink, aqua midrib, thin red edge; Falls light blue, extra wide red edge, dark blue veins. yellow to cream signal.

Height: 80 cm

Flowering: middle (first half of June)

Notes: Flowers nicely ruffled.

Iris 'My Girl Emily' (2)


Author: Dean Cole

Year: 2012

Flower color: Standards very light pink-lavender, thin red edge; style arms light lavender and pink, aqua midrib, thin red edge; Falls light blue, extra wide red edge, dark blue veins. yellow to cream signal.

Height: 80 cm

Flowering: middle (first half of June)

Notes: Flowers nicely ruffled.

Iris 'My Girl Emily' (2)