Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

'New Mown Hay'

Author: Marty Schafer & Jan Sacks
Year: 2008
Flower color: bright pearly white standards and styles with turquoise trim set off the greyed-green falls. Clean yellow signals with green veins.
Height: 80 cm

Flowering: early (end of May)


Iris 'New Mown Hay' (2)

Iris sibirica 'New Mown Hay' (3)Iris sibirica 'New Mown Hay' (4)








Author: Marty Schafer & Jan Sacks
Year: 2008
Flower color: bright pearly white standards and styles with turquoise trim set off the greyed-green falls. Clean yellow signals with green veins.
Height: 80 cm

Flowering: early (end of May)


Iris 'New Mown Hay' (2)

Iris sibirica 'New Mown Hay' (3)Iris sibirica 'New Mown Hay' (4)