Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery

Iris leptophylla BW17663


ex China, Yunnan, near Zhongdian

Native range:  China
Flower color:  blue-purple
Height: 15 cm

Notes: It was originally placed within the Nepalensis subgenus , but later it was suggested it should be placed in the Pseudoregelia Section.

Iris leptophylla BW17663 (3)


ex China, Yunnan, near Zhongdian

Native range:  China
Flower color:  blue-purple
Height: 15 cm

Notes: It was originally placed within the Nepalensis subgenus , but later it was suggested it should be placed in the Pseudoregelia Section.

Iris leptophylla BW17663 (3)