Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery



Author: V.Surikova (Russia)
Year:  2013
Flower color:  bright white with lilac stains and strokes, got overlapping wavy petals.
Flower size:  (3,6-3,8 cm)
Height:  (95-100 cm)
Flowering:  middle-later.
Notes: Inflorescence is large, fluffy, branching, rounded-conical, dense.  

Phlox ‘Artemon‘ (3)Phlox ‘Artemon‘ (4)


Author: V.Surikova (Russia)
Year:  2013
Flower color:  bright white with lilac stains and strokes, got overlapping wavy petals.
Flower size:  (3,6-3,8 cm)
Height:  (95-100 cm)
Flowering:  middle-later.
Notes: Inflorescence is large, fluffy, branching, rounded-conical, dense.  

Phlox ‘Artemon‘ (3)Phlox ‘Artemon‘ (4)