Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery



Author: К.Foerster (Germany)
Year: 1959
Flower color: pure white.
Flower size: 2,8 – 3,0 cm
Height: (120 – 140 cm)
Flowering: middle-late to late
Notes: large loose inflorescence consists of many conic branches. One of the highest varieties, and one of the latest.

Phlox ‘Hochgesang’ (4)Phlox ‘Hochgesang’ (5)








Author: К.Foerster (Germany)
Year: 1959
Flower color: pure white.
Flower size: 2,8 – 3,0 cm
Height: (120 – 140 cm)
Flowering: middle-late to late
Notes: large loose inflorescence consists of many conic branches. One of the highest varieties, and one of the latest.

Phlox ‘Hochgesang’ (4)Phlox ‘Hochgesang’ (5)