Vyšniauskų gėlės

Perennial plants nursery


Author: B.Ruys (Netherlands)
Year: 1955
Flower color: velvet vermilion.
Flower size: 4,0-4,2 cm
Height: 90 cm
Flowering: middle
Notes: middle-size round-conic inflorescence. Wavy petals. One of the brigtest red varieties. Foliage dark wine color.

Phlox ‘Starfire‘ (3)Phlox ‘Starfire‘ (4)







Author: B.Ruys (Netherlands)
Year: 1955
Flower color: velvet vermilion.
Flower size: 4,0-4,2 cm
Height: 90 cm
Flowering: middle
Notes: middle-size round-conic inflorescence. Wavy petals. One of the brigtest red varieties. Foliage dark wine color.

Phlox ‘Starfire‘ (3)Phlox ‘Starfire‘ (4)