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‘Adobe Sunset’
McCown, 1976
Height: 150 cm
‘Adriatic Blue’
Niswonger, 1995
Height: 90 – 95 cm
‘Adriatic Memories’
Vaughn, 2009
Height: 80-90 cm
‘Airy Fancy’
Hager, 1977
Height: 95 cm
‘Amber Crown’
Markevičius, 2016, NR
Height: 80 – 85 cm
‘Angel’s Smile’
Vaughn, 2007
Height: 70 – 75 cm
‘Arctic Sun’
Bondarenko, NR
Height: 80 cm
Blyth, 2003
Height: 100 – 105 cm
‘Betty Cooper’
McCown, 1981
Height: 105 – 110 cm
‘Brass Knocker’
Evans, 1997
Height: 100 – 125 cm
‘Castor River’
Niswonger, 2006
‘Chocolate Dreams’
Cadd, 2005
Height: 85 – 100 cm
‘Cinnamon Moon’
Height: 100 cm
Markevičius, 2017, NR
Height: 110 cm
‘Clarke Cosgrove’
Hager, 1974
Height: 95 – 100 cm
‘Dress Circle’
Hager, 1984
Height: 90 cm
Markevičius, 2014, NR
‘Eleanor Hill’
Hager, 1979
Height: 95-100 cm
Radionenko, intr. 1990, reg. 2001
Height: 115 – 120 cm
‘Gold Price’
Blyth, 2000
‘Golden Ducat’
Cadd, 2004
Height: 100-110 cm
Hager, 1985
‘Hocka Hoona’
DeSantis, 1999
Height: 125 cm
‘Honey Mocha Lotta’
Walker, 2005
Height: 120 cm
‘Ibex Ibis’
Kasperek, 2012
‘Janice Chesnik’
McCown, 1983
Height: 125 – 150 cm
Anfosso, 1990, NR
Chernoguz, 2012
Height: 120cm
Chernoguz, 2021
Chernoguz, 2020
‘Kiss Of Caramel’
Cadd, 2002
Height: 90 – 110 cm
‘Lavender Waves’
Jenkins, 1995
Rodionenko, 1994
Height: 85-90 cm
‘Lietuvos Galiūnai’
Height: 140 cm